Saturday, March 30, 2024


My mom died fourteen years ago today on March 30, 2010. Her funeral was the day before Easter. I wanted to write a post about her. I did not know what more I could write about her than I already had. 

The things I considered about writing could have been happier. I wanted to write a funny post about my mom about Easter. A post about how I could exasperate her in a good way. At least I like to think so.

I love marshmallow Peeps. Not so much eating them.  Marshmello and pure sugar. Now there's a combo for you. They are so cute. I would buy them just for their cuteness factor. I would eat them after Easter when they were hard, still sweet, but like a rock.

They made a hollow chocolate egg with a Peep inside for one year and one year only. I saw it in the store and begged my mom (What's that? My age at the time is not important to this post. . How rude! Moving on.) to buy one for me. She did. 

The egg stayed in the box on the kitchen table for a week Every day I would look at it as though I was expecting the hollow chocolate egg to break free of the box, roll onto the kitchen table causing the egg to crack open allowing the yellow Peep to hop out and tweet out a  "Happy Easter" to mom and me.

Nothing so dramatic happened. On Easter Mom cracked open the egg. The little yellow peep looked so cute sitting in the bottom half of the egg. I ate the top of the egg. I didn't want to eat the bottom half with the Peep in it. Eventually, I did.

I loved the Marshmallow Peeps. I really loved the Dancing Peeps commercial circa 1999.

I got a kick out of this commercial. I would giggle and call my mom with urgency causing her to think something was wrong. She'd make it into the room as the commercial was ending. "Oh for heaven's sake. Is that what you called me in here for? I am in the middle of cooking dinner." If we were watching TV together she would shake her head when the commercial came on. Mom liked the Peeps commercial and the cute Peeps candy. Or maybe she enjoyed seeing me get such joy out of all of it,

"Hey Mom! The Dancing Peeps Are On."

Rest in peace, Mom. I love you.

Have a great Easter everyone. Get some Peeps.

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