Julie is an award-winning dietician. You may remember the blog post I wrote about her in 2016/ https://confessionsofadisableddiva.blogspot.com/2016/03/shes-never-bored.html Julie works hard. Julie cares.
I didn't plan to write this blog post. I was afraid I would get too sappy. In a few weeks, Julie will be moving to a new city to begin the next chapter in her life. I felt I had to honor her in a post. If I get sappy, Julie, deal with it.
When Julie and I met I was crying. (What else is new?) I'd been at NHC for two days. I was a mess She was not bothered by my hideous ugly cry. She was calming and reassuring. (She was calming and reassuring at my monthly weigh-ins which were traumatic for me. After my weight check she'd tell me to have the strawberry cream pit for dessert.)
The weird thing is Julie has seen me at my best and at my absolute worst. Times when most people would have headed for hills without looking back. She was always there for me. Julie made being at NHC better for me.
I always have sushi with Julie and our NHC friends, every year, for my birthday. (Except in 2020 thanks to COVID-19)
At Mi Fiesta Julie held my cup filled with a Margarita for me. She kept refilling the cup until my head began to hurt. Not once did she utter the words that you would expect to hear in a nursing home, "Are you okay? I don't think that you should drink anymore." Gracias, mi amiga.
All the things I could tell you about times I have spent with Julie I have already written about in other posts.
There is one thing I have never written about that Julie had done for me. It is the thing that's meant the most to me. Every time Julie has gone to Mexico she has taken me with her. Not literally, but through her photos and gifts. I want you to know Julie that the shot glass from Puerto Vallarta is still in the envelope in my desk drawer. It's not because I don't like it. I love it. it is irreplaceable I don't want anything to happen to it. Keep the dream alive. Maybe we'll get to go to Mexico together someday.
Thank you for putting up with all of my craziness. I will miss you. I am not going wish you good luck, You don't need it You got this.
One more thing Julie. Don't forget me or I will find a way to come visit even if I have to roll there in my powerchair. I will find you. Chris can ride shotgun. Ha. I am so witty.
I love you Don't take any crap!!!