Friday, September 16, 2022


Cher's not the only one who can rock a witch's hat!

I have spent the past four years begging the staff to interact with me. Talk to me Show an interest in me. It has been exhausting. I have shed many tears. The staff here meets my needs, then they do their own thing the rest of their shift. I have finally accepted this.

The staff and I are being required to take behavior therapy to work on our interactions with one another. If I had refused to comply with this company's wishes, I would have been given thirty days' notice. kinda puts things in perspective, huh?  Any staff member who refused would be terminated.

I am nervous too because I repeat myself. The staff wants me to break this habit. I am not sure if I can.  If I have made a staff member angry I can't drop it until I know we are good again. Please send good vibes I hope we can all work together.

Good LTC facilities have long waitlists for Medicaid beds. I am not sure I want to leave. There are days, however, when I know the staff would not bat an eye if I did. There are days when I too think it would be best for everyone. 

A few people have seen the side I hide until  I am comfortable enough with a person to show it to them. Until I am sure they will laugh with me and not at me. Several weeks ago a staff member told me that I was funny and silly. That positive comment made my day.

I wish the staff would take the time to get to know me. I wish they would forget how I behaved when I first arrived. I regret my behavior.  Living here is totally different than how I was told it would be. I have accepted this fact too.

I refuse to be bummed out any longer by the staff's behavior toward me. I choose to be happy. If they do not want to know anything about me. If they choose to treat me like I am a task that they must complete. That's their loss. I am not blaming myself anymore.

I want the staff to know that I am an awesome person. If you looked up from your cell phone once in a while you might be surprised. I want things to work out for all of us.

I make a mess when I eat. You may not always be able to understand me, but give me a chance.

Get to know me cuz...

I'm a fun spaz.

The things they made me do!

Thursday, September 8, 2022


This post should be subtitled oops. 

My finger slipped. I accidentally deleted this. My apologies.