Saturday, August 23, 2014


I can no longer afford to keep Lucie. I have decided to give her away because it will be better for both of us. I will have the opportunity 
to meet the people who are taking her before I give her away. 

the good news is that they will bring her to see me I won't lose total contact with her. 

I am about to lose my van. I will have to learn to get around using transportation services for the disabled, 

I am going to apply for Medicaid. With all these upcoming changes in my life, my emotions are getting the best of me.

Why am I telling you all of this? 

To make sure that you know if you are disabled it's okay to be dependent on others for your daily needs. It doesn't matter how much or how little you can do for yourself, Being dependent does not mean you are inferior to others. Being dependent does not make you a bad person. You are worthy.

It's how you think and how you feel about yourself that is important. There will always be people ready to point out your limitations. 

Focus on your strengths. You have thoughts and ideas. You have something to offer your community.

Focus on the positive things in your life. You'll be surprised at what happens.

Friday, August 22, 2014


One of my caregivers was fired for mentally abusing me. It's true, she used threats and intimidation to, for lack of a better term, keep me in line. Threatening to call my family if I didn't go to bed when she thought I should, threatening to abandon me and asking if I wanted the police to come to help me, threatening to drop me to the floor and call an ambulance if I didn't stand up when my knee was hurt. I knew the things she said were inappropriate, but I was used to it, used to her. I didn't want someone new in my home. On her last night, when those in the office heard her yelling at me and she was replaced, I began to wonder how many other clients she had treated this way? How many others had put up with her treatment as I had? How could the agency not have known?

Two weeks ago, I couldn't wake up a fill-in caregiver. Turns out, the caregiver could not hear well and that was the reason I had difficulty waking her up. Again, how could the agency not have known this? 

I know that agencies run background checks. I think more needs to be done. Perhaps monthly home visits by someone from an agency to make sure things are going well in the client's home. I had someone from my agency visit me after the caregiver had been fired. They wanted to make sure I was satisfied with the care I am receiving. Why did it take a caregiver to be accused of abuse to have someone visit me to ask how things were going in my home?

There needs to be better monitoring of the staff who work in agencies  Don't wait until a crisis has occurred to put changes into effect.  I am asking that those who work for agencies remember that the people they serve deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Those in charge should ask themselves,, Is this how I'd want to live? Is this how I'd want to be treated? If one person in charge would stop and ask themselves these questions, it would be the first step towards a cycle of change.