"For the second time in two years, Gov. Mike Parson has vetoed multimillion-dollar funding increases that would support a program advocates say safeguards nursing home residents. Missouri’s long-term care ombudsman program organizes workers and volunteers to advocate for and educate residents at hundreds of nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities. Administrators said the program has fewer than half the recommended staff members."
Thank you St. Louis Public Radio for covering this topic! We will continue to fight for the best Ombudsman Program possible in Missouri, and we will continue to fight for the rights of long-term care residents!
Read the full story here: https://www.stlpr.org/.../missouri-mike-parson-ombudsman...(Courtesy of Voyce)
I should have followed through with becoming an ombudsman. The class times and using public transportation were the big reasons why I didn't. As you know I wrote essays for Voyce about what life was like in long-term care. My essays were used in their training sessions. I gave an interview which was shown in the training sessions. I could have done more. I didn't. After reading that Governor Parson shot down an increase in funding to the understaffed LTC facilities I am fired up. You should be too.
This agency told me I have to move. I do not want to live in a male house. Moving is not the issue. The issue for me is only being given one option regarding where to move. (You have these two choices. Of the two choices where would you like to move to? I would have chosen the best house for me. Not being given a choice is what upsets me.)
If there was a good nursing home in this area that's where I would be moving to. Not because I want to live in LTC. Because it would be my choice. I said from the time I moved into this house when I moved from here it would be into a nursing home. Conditions in nursing homes are too uncertain. I won't risk it. Not now anyway. So, on August 13th, I have to move/ Everyone is telling me it's not a big deal. I'm not doing any of the work. It is a big deal. It's my life.
I'm grateful to the administrator for believing in my writing. The past six years have been a struggle but I have always had my writing.
I am ashamed of the bashing/trashing I did in blog posts on long-term care. If I could go back in time I would not have written those negative posts. I may have moved into a different nursing home. Knowing what I know now I would not have moved here.
I visited someone in a nursing home about a month ago. The conditions were. deplorable. The facility smelled of urine, it was dark, and CNAs were still getting people up at almost noon. The person I was visiting did not wear their glasses. I did not see their wheelchair anywhere. I wondered if the staff was getting them up at any point during the day.
Some nursing homes are dirty, and residents are given one meal option. The activity budget only allows for one activity. That activity is Bingo.
I am embarrassed that Missouri is a red state. Governor Parson should be ashamed. Vetoiing an increase in nursing home funding is inexcusable. In 2019. when I moved from LTC conditions were starting to get bad. The facility was staffed with agency help. Help who did not know much about the residents they were caring for. They were there to do their job nothing more.
People on Medicaid are not given private rooms because they cannot afford to pay for one. This is the biggest issue I would like to see changed. Everyone deserves to live comfortably. Everyone deserves to have the best staff caring for them. Everyone deserves to have choices. Choices in food, choices in activities.
Residents in nursing homes have lived their lives. Many worked, raised families, served their country, and more. Older adults should not be penalized because they cannot pay for a private room. Residents deserve the best caregivers. People in LTC deserve choices.
There are some lovely nursing homes in the St. Louis area. Those facilities do not accept Medicaid. That discriminatory policy has to be changed.
Nursing homes were like a family community. Residents looked out for one another and advocated for one another. If we work together they will be again.
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