Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Kerrie Hess illustration

I wrote a story for a friend when I was in the nursing home. The story was about a young woman who was proposed to in the middle of Tiffany & Co. in NYC. 

I have been obsessed with the famed jewelry store ever since hearing that Katie Couric celebrated her fiftieth birthday there. And, Audrey  Hepburn in the movie. Who doesn't love Holly Golightly?

I will never get to the Blue Box Cafe. Nor will I be gifted a blue box with a signature piece of Tiffany jewelry.inside/ That's okay. I can write this day however  I want. 

That's the awesome thing about being a writer. I am always making up characters in my head. plots for stories. It's fun. I make myself laugh too. Laughter is the best way to beat depression. If I  crack myself up while writing that is a good indicator that others will laugh when they read what I have written.

Whether you have a Valentine or a Galintine do something that makes you happy today My suggestion?.  Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's Imagine yourself wearing Holly's dark glasses. Smoking a cigarette in a cigarette holder and looking glam. Oops. Sorry. TMI. Got carried away.

Did you ever think to yourself what a poor shot Cupid is? His aim is off. He definitely needs to hone his skills with that bow and arrow.

Today, Valentine's Day 2024, who knows where I will be traveling to via one of my characters. Or, I might come up with a story in which I am the main character. I just might get that blue box after all. 

Happy Valentine's Day.

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