Sushi from WasabI.Sushi.
Not the grocery store
Eating it with my friends.
When I told my friend I had eaten such from the store.
She recoiled in horror.
I thought Sushi was sushi.
I soon learned how wrong I was.
Where had real sushi.
This delicacy been all my life?
Watching my friend eat ginger.
I know it's good for you.
Waiting until two p.m. to eat.
Waiting until two p.m. to eat.
That's when my friend got to the nursing home.
Eating it in PT.
It was our secret.
I can still hear one of the PTs saying telling us.
"You're all going to get food poisoning."
California rolls,
Philadelphia rolls.
Seaweed Salad\.
Not too much Wasabi
That stuff will clear your sinuses/
(I could use some today. I have a cold.)
When I eat sushi now
Even the immatation kind.
I remember my friends.
I remember the laughs
Good times.
Good food.
Good memories.