My tears were born out of fear and frustration. Fear that funding will be cut on services those of us with disabilities require to live independently. /Frustration that if the dire predictions of funds come to fruition, I will never get out of here. Disabled Americans currently living independently, may be forced to live in nursing homes. I don't wish my situation on anyone/ Disabled Americans deserve to keep the quality of life they now enjoy.
.If I lived in Great Britain, I would not have been forced out of my home. I have been told that in Great Britain, people with disabilities are treated with respect and dignity. They are treated just like everyone else.
I have begun looking at my options. Currently, the state pays for just six hours of attendant care, You can get up to eleven hours, but that's difficult/ People more disabled than I am are living in apartments with assistance. I deserve a chance too. I will continue to explore my options and learn how others manage I don't need to be in a facility. After meeting other people with disabilities who live in the community, I believe that now more than ever.
I am not angry. I am not going to rant and rave. The people made their choice. Now, we have to work together to make this country the best nation it can be.
I am just going to remind the incoming administration that there are 57 million disabled Americans. We fight daily to be heard, to get the services we need, and to be treated equally.
All I am asking for is a chance. That is all anyone with a disability wants. To be able to choose where and how we live, to be able to work so that we have a sense of self-worth and can be proud of the contribution we are making.
I have said all of this before. I pray funding is not cut. Cutting funding will mean that people with disabilities don't matter. But we do matter. I ask one thing of the incoming administration. Please don't forget about the disabled community. Show us that we matter.
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