Sunday, October 14, 2018


I had an epiphany.  Last night, while trying to fall asleep I  thought to myself, "Who cares?"

Who cares if I am not paid to write for the WEW? I know that my editor will always welcome my posts. When I did not contact her, after moving to NHC, she called my brother to find out where I was. She has always made me feel that I am a part of The Word. For that, I am grateful. I am going to start thinking of topics for columns.

My friends and family have wanted me to publish another book for several years. They have offered to help me. And, you know what?  I am going to find a way to make it happen. If I cannot keep any of the profits, I will donate them to UCP.  I refuse to allow the State of Missouri to rob me of my self-worth or my ability to be productive. I can not just sit and vegetate/. Even if I am simply playing Word Tornado, I am keeping my mind active. I love words.  Words are the building blocks of thoughts. Thoughts turn into ideas. Ideas turn into goals. Goals turn into actions  Actions turn dreams into reality.

I live in a group home. Who cares?  It's lonely. Who cares? I have my phone, laptop, Kindle and social media. My friends and family are just a click away. I was told things that cannot happen. Who cares.  That happens all the time. There is a lot more stress here...A food allowance, meeting my spend-down and registering for food stamps Who cares?.  I made a mistake moving here. Who cares?  I will make the best of it. Nothing is written in stone.

None of it matters. What matters I am still the same person I have always been.  I will achieve my goals no matter what. I will. keep dreaming, writing and creating. I  will continue to think of ways to turn my dreams into reality. It'is my life.  My chance. care

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