Earlier this month, a group of activists, in wheelchairs, from ADAPT, staged a protest in front of the White House. I wish I could have been there to protest with them.
The activists were protesting President Obama's lack of attention to the violation of the rights of people with disabilities, by forcing us to reside in nursing homes rather the providing us with the support and services needed to transition back into the community
Senator Chuck Schummer has proposed, The Disability Integration Act. ADAPT wants President Obama to support it. Currently, Medicaid and Medicare only pay for five hours of care a day. Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security need to be reformed so that individuals like me aren't forced to live in nursing homes because we need twenty-four-hour care
Programs and services are being cut all the time. I am sure the decision-makers who authorized the cutting of funds to needed services, have never had someone walk in while they are being given a shower and just start chatting with the aide who is assisting with the shower. That happened to me this week. They were chatting as though I was not even in the room. They showed no respect for my right to privacy at all. I will never get used to the lack of sensitivity here.
I do not mean to disrespect the social worker who forced me from my home. They did what they thought was best. I think they should have helped me make my home safer and my care better. They removed me from my home and my life. They have no idea what it did to me, to leave the only home I'd ever known. It was the worst day of my life.
Paraquad has a program that will assist you in transitioning out of a nursing home back into the community. Until the government allocates funds for twenty-four-hour care, I cannot utilize the program. I need to be safe.
It is my hope that President Obama will support The Disability Integration Act. People with disabilities have the right to be a part of their communities. We should not be penalized because we need care.