Tuesday, October 4, 2016


October 4, 2016, is Ballet Day at The Royal Opera House in London. A friend posted this video on my Facebook page. I was so moved by the video that I had to share it.  https://www.facebook.com/royaloperahouse/videos/10154170899857579

October 5, 2016, is World CP  Day/ 
According to their page on Facebook, "World Cerebral Palsy Day is a movement of people with cerebral palsy and their families, and the organizations that support them, in more than 50 countries. "

"Our vision is to ensure that children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP) have the same rights, access, and opportunities as anyone else in our society. It is only together, that we can make that happen."

World CP Day seeks to "Empower people with a cerebral palsy to have a voice about changing their world."

The video of Charlotte realizing her dream of participating in ballet is a perfect example of what World CP Day is all about.  Inclusion and acceptance.

There have been positive changes.  We still have a long way to go before we are truly accepted. I constantly have to tell any new aide I am grateful that there is nothing wrong with my mind. My limbs don't work the way they should. I hope the day comes when people truly see me as a person with abilities, not just someone with a  disability. I hope the day comes when people with CP aren't forced to be in nursing homes just because they need care.

I wanted to write something profound. I wanted to write what this day means to me and everyone with cerebral palsy. .I wanted to, but I'm not. Instead, I am going to encourage you to watch the video of Charlotte. I am going to encourage you to watch Speechless tomorrow night.  You can also catch up on by clicking  on this link..  http://abc.go.com/shows/speechless  Doing those two things will tell you so much more than I ever could.


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