Tuesday, May 28, 2019


My mom loved to tell people the story of my birth. She told a salesperson at Macy's once. I was mortified. In my head, I was imploring her to stop. We were just there to buy Christmas socks for my brother. How had an innocent trip to the mall gone so wrong?  

Imagine having a guy you liked over for dinner only to have your mom launch into her story. All I heard was, "Joanne was born at six and a half months. She was so small the hospital didn't weigh her when she was born. She looked like a spider monkey, all arms and legs.". What an icebreaker. MOM, PLEASE STOP!!

I want to write my memoir. Not my autobiography. If I wrote my autobiography I would have to include the details of my birth as well as the events that preceded it. Boring.

Memoirs have a reoccurring theme throughout them. The events written about are linked together by that theme  Many of you may have already known the difference between an autobiography and a memoir. I didn't. My friend, Jenny. cleared up my confusion.

All of my life my mind has given me the message that I am just like everyone else. CP kept my body from receiving that message. My mind and body messages not being in sync really screwed me up sometimes.

Throughout my life, many of my experiences have left me puzzled. If I am just like everyone else as my mind tells me I am. Why is this (insert a life event) happening to me?

I think this image of Alice falling down the rabbit is a good analogy for my life. For as long as I can remember I have been fighting the conflicting messages that my mind and body have sent me. Each major life event made me feel like I had landed in a strange new place. A place, in many instances, that my mind told me I did not belong.

The theme of my memoir is how I have fought so hard to prove I am like everyone else. The truth is I am not. I never will be. I need assistance with ADL. That fact won't change. However,  I will keep fighting.

The working title of my memoir is. I Fell Down the Rabbit Hole, My Life With CP.

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