Friday, May 24, 2019


Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of summer. The day is synonymous with children being out of school. the opening of swimming pools, picnics, sun, fun, family, and friends.

Do we stop and remember those who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom we have?  Do we stop and give thanks? When I lived at home I did not give the real meaning of Memorial Day a second thought.

When I lived at home, the day meant KFC, playing Yahtzee with my neighbor, and watching a movie with my caregiver. I never thought about the day's significance or meaning.

Men and women died so that our country could remain free. They died for my freedom to speak out by writing this blog. In some parts of the world, a woman speaking out, and expressing her opinions is forbidden. We are blessed that our country is not a country of censorship, We are a country of free speech. I had the freedom to transition out of a facility. We are allowed the freedom to choose.

I want to wish all of you a safe and happy Memorial Day. I ask that you stop for a moment. Remember those who fought and died. Stop and say thank you for your service.

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