Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Bridges connect us. They assist us in getting over rough terrain. Some bridges are made of steel/Some bridges are made of wood. Some bridges are covered, romantic Like those in the movie The Bridges of Madison County.

Bridges. They collapse. They burn.  leaving us disconnected. Alone.  Without a bridge to connect us, a place that was once so easily accessible, now seems a million miles away. 

No matter how much we wish we could turn back the clock, we can't. The bridge is gone. forever  Leaving in its wake twisted metal or a pile of rubble and ash.

Burned or destroyed bridges can leave us heartbroken.  Don't laugh. There is an actual diagnosis.

According to Google "Broken heart syndrome (also known as Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy)
is a group of symptoms similar to those of a heart attack, occurring in response to physical or emotional stress. Most people affected by broken heart syndrome think they are having a heart attack because symptoms, such as shortness of breath and chest pain, are similar in both conditions. However, those with broken heart syndrome do not have blocked coronary arteries, and usually make a fast and full recovery."

Ah, Google what would we do without you?

People tell us to build new bridges That's easier said than done. 

Broken bridges. Broken hearts. 

Pain. Sadness.

Make us stronger.

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