Thursday, June 6, 2019


It has always amazed me how easily some people say those three little words. I Love You. I can't count the number of times people I have just met have told me they loved me. This statement is usually followed by the person telling me how amazing I am. I haven't quite figured that one out yet.

 Why am I any more amazing than any other human being? Trust me most people work a lot harder than I do. I hunt and peck on my laptop keyboard creating characters and blog posts. How hard is that?  A little maybe, but not amazing.

People say motivational statements to me all the time. I know when they're not sincere. I can tell by their tone of voice. It is as though because I have CP I deserve an award for just breathing.

Love is a very powerful and meaningful word. I have to feel a connection to another person before I will say it to them. I have to have a history with someone before I feel comfortable using the L-word. We have to have gone through some major stuff together.

Love is a positive, happy emotion.
I love my family, friends and as for food, SUSHI.

Don't tell someone with a disability you love them because you think it will make our day. Don't tell us we're awesome when we have not done anything special. We are just living our lives. Say those words after you have gotten to know us. Say those words when we deserve to hear them.

I just thought maybe you might need a little reminder. Don't use the L-word lightly.

You're welcome.

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