Thursday, April 1, 2021


"What are we having for dinner on Easter," the old woman asked.

"Easter is still days away. For someone so concerned about how much they weigh you sure are fixated on food." came the reply.

The old woman chuckled to herself. It was true she did look forward to meals. Planning in her head what she'd eat. 

Although there were times she did not have much of an appetite 

During those periods the old woman craved junk food/comfort food. Chocolate, Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia Ice cream,, mashed potatoes, and Lucky Charms.

The old woman had learned that all the food cliches were true. She'd laughed at them before. She'd never understood why some people ate the way they did.

But now...

Food was a comfort to the old woman as well as nourishment for her body. 

A bite of warm mashed potatoes. were like a hug. Food never judged or yelled at you. Food never made you feel inadequate or ashamed. . Food is/was there for you.

The old woman closed her eyes. 

She saw herself as a child watching her mother make Easter lamb cakes sneaking a jellybean, popping it into her mouth when her mother turned her back. She remembered the year that her mother had iced one of the lambs with chocolate icing. omitting the coconut because no one really liked it. That lamb is forever known as The Black Sheep of the Family

The old woman shut her eyes tighter willing more memories to return. Her mind is like a movie screen. Her memories are the film 

She's waiting in the car. outside of The Honey-Baked Ham Store for her mother to return with their Easter ham.

The old woman remembers celebrating Easter at her brother's house after her mother's death. She tries hard, but can't remember what was served. She knows the meal was delicious. She also knows it was not ham. No one really liked ham except her mother. The old woman loved the rum and cokes her brother made for her. 

Two years in a row her mother had given her a hollow chocolate egg with a yellow marshmallow Peep inside. The old woman loved to see the egg cracked open. One little Peep, so cut,e waiting patiently inside the egg. The old woman vowed she would never share this memory with another living soul. She was well over forty when her mother had given her that egg. She feared that people would think that the old woman had lost all of her faculties.

When the old woman opened her eyes tears were rolling down her cheeks. Happy tears. She'd traveled home for Easter.

She was fixated but not on food.

The old woman was fixated on memories.



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