Tuesday, March 30, 2021



I posted the following on Facebook in 2019. It still holds true two years later. I will turn sixty-four next month. I still want pink hair. I have at least six Frida Kahlo tee shirts. I hear you. Mom. ("Oh, for heaven's sake.)

I got a badly needed haircut today. When I looked in the mirror to check out my new 'do. I was taken aback. Who was that woman staring back at me with the salt and pepper (mostly salt, very little pepper) gray hair? 

That couldn't be me. The woman staring back at me would not be contemplating dying a small portion of her hair pink, purple, or blue to celebrate turning 62 next month. 

That woman would be horrified. The woman staring back at me would not be considering spending the last of her Amazon gift card on a Frida Kahlo tee shirt. .That woman would probably buy something practical...Like wool socks. Well, maybe not socks, but she would buy something useful.

The woman who looked back at me was my mom. When did this happen? Wasn't it only a few years ago that I graduated from Washington University with my MSW,?

Not only do I look like my mom. I sound like her too. I hear myself saying things my mom said that I swore would never come out-out of my mouth. Such as," Getting older is no fun. Wait until you're in your sixties."

My mom might not understand me wanting to dye my hair pink or spending money on a Frida Kahlo tee shirt. That is because she worked hard.  She didn't spend money on frivolous things.

I look like my mom. I sound like her too. I am blessed.  My mother was the best example of strength, determination, and independence I could have asked for.

 Every year I say this on the anniversary of her death. 

Rest in peace Mom. I love you. I hope that I have made you proud.

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