Sunday, May 23, 2021


I was not always the nerdy, mismatched, lounging pajama-wearing CPer you see in this photo who views the world via the screen of her laptop.  This woman dreams of traveling to faraway places. She dreams of fitting in. She dreams of being truly accepted for the awesome person she is.

There was a time when I dressed like this. My clothes matched. My hair was combed. My double-pierced ears always sported earrings.  This woman went to the mall, to the movies, and spent many hours doing volunteer work. This woman dreamed of making a difference. She wanted to help others with disabilities. She dreamed of changing the world, or at least, a small part of it.

This woman was an author. She dreamed of teaching children that it was okay to be different. She envisioned turning her children's book into a series. While that did not happen she fulfilled her dream of becoming an author.

I don't show this side of myself very often. I have to know you really well. I have to trust you. When you have a disability, people make judgments about you, They make assumptions about you. This woman is funnier on the written page than she is in person. It's safer that way. She might look foolish. What would people think? This woman dreams of having one more day like this with her besties. A day to be silly. A day where no one cares. A day of laughing until she can't catch her breath. A ]day to just be happy. She'll even wear a feather boa.


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