Monday, May 17, 2021


 From the moment we are born until we take our last breath those of us with disabilities receive negative messages. Not only from those closest to us but from society at large. 

Back in 1957 when I was born I was not weighed until 2 days later. Was I too insignificant to be weighed right away?  Were they waiting to see if I would survive?  (My first negative message.)

When our parents finally receive our diagnosis they are told all the milestones we won't achieve in our lives. While we may not even be two years old, our time on Earth, however, has been filled with negative messages.

 Growing up we fight. We fight for a good education, a good job, a good life. As hard as we try most people still only view us as our disability. They don't see the person we are. 

If we are lucky enough to find people who see the real us we cherish them. We try to ignore that little voice in our head that keeps telling us, "This won"t last forever, you know. Why would such an amazing person want to be friends with you?" 

We're told we do too much. We talk too much. We cry too much. We do not know how to let words go that hurt us. We need to be quiet.

Those of us with disabilities have been told what's wrong with us our entire lives. What we need to change about ourselves to be okay with other people. We're told why people don't like us. 

The pressure of trying to conform is exhausting.  (I am not the only person with a disability who has voiced these feelings. I've read similar posts on social media .)

Instead of bombarding us with negativity, give us more positive messages.  One positive message could make a big difference.


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