Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Well, America's 245th  birthday is history. And, the noise from illegal personal fireworks was worse than ever. UGH!! When will people learn? I prayed for all of the animals who were terrified by all the loud booms.

 How could it have been my best fourth of July even if the noise was so bad you ask?  

I spent part of the afternoon with my friend Jenny and my new friends Eileen and her daughter Rose. Eileen and I have been Facebook friends for a while. This was our first meeting in person.

I heard stories of Eileen and Jenny's college days. I wished I had gone to college with them, but I was born too early.

There was a lot of laughter. I got to be goofy.  I have found my tribe. Jenny and Eileen share my love of classic sitcoms. I am now watching one of Eileen's favorite Korean dramas (soap operas) online. There is nothing I love better than an international soap opera. I get to experience another culture and get lost in the drama. at the same time.

Sitting on the patio,, listening to Eileen and Jenny's stories, I forgot about the times that I get yelled at. Forgot about the times that no one listens. Forgot about the people who want me to change the way I am. Jenny and Eileen accepted me just as I am. I felt normal. I forgot about my power chair, my CP. I was not nervous or self-conscious. I usually am when I meet someone for the first time. My mind races, trying to think of intelligent things to say. 

I was myself. 


Yeah, the noise was outta control that night. I, however, was engrossed in my new Korean drama. What's the noise of fireworks compared to a mall collapsing? Add to that guilt over a family member dying in the mall collapse. I mean, come on, there is nothing better.

Did I mention that Eileen can get all the Lucky Charms she wants?  Did I mention Jenny is Paul Mccartney's number one fan? I dIdn't?

I see interviews in their future.

Get ready ladies.


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