Sunday, February 13, 2022


Dear Joanne,

I am you in the future. The year is 2022. I am two months shy of turning Sixty-five. I know that this fact is blowing your mind. You are about to turn fifteen For you the year is 1972.

I want to tell you some things that I wish someone had told me at fifteen. The sad thing is I probably would not have listened. I hope you will.

A potential employer is not going to give a flying fig that you know the lyrics to all of Sonny and Cher's songs, have all of their albums, have seen every episode of their variety show, and that you've seen them in concert twice. Cool stats, but useless knowledge for a job interview.

I know you envision yourself to be the next Rona Barrett. It pains me to burst your bubble, it's just not going to happen for you, Find something that you are passionate about. Pay more attention to what's going on in the world 

Interviewers want to know how you'll be an asset to them as an employee. They'll ask you where you see yourself in five years. You'll finish school at twenty-five. when you are asked this question in a job interview don't sit there with your mouth open and tell the interviewer you do not know. Have a plan  Be ambitious. Be everything that I wasn't Don't spend your summers swimming and watching soap operas Volunteer somewhere. Maybe someone will see past your CP, maybe they won't. But you have to try. 

I do not mean to be so hard on you. You can still have fun, be the great person you are, just balance it out. You want people to see you are a smart, intelligent young woman who just happens to have a disability. Not just a pop culture airhead.

If I had done the things that I am advising you to do my future might have been different I might be in a group home right now. I don't want that for you.  

Mom needs you as much as you need her. She doesn't want to be alone. However, it will be good for both of you if you go away to school. You'll get used to strangers taking care of you. Don't leave all of your care up to Mom until she physically can't do it anymore. Give her a break.

What is the definition of a successful person? Most people base an individual's success on financial gain. If that's true, I am a failure. Success can be anything that brings someone personal fulfillment. That's what this blog gives me. It's not award-winning. It's the little blog that could.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like there is something wrong with you. Something that needs to be fixed. You're enough. You're good enough.  Don't give up!

I am proud of you


Your Future Self

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