Monday, December 30, 2024



Many blessings came my way in 2024. Through this agency, my family and friends. I have everything I need. 

In 2025, my resolution is to pay it forward. I will use my time and my talents to help others. I will advocate more for the rights of the elderly and people with disabilities.  I will listen when someone needs an ear. I will try to bring positivity to others. I want to help other people to feel better Let them know that they are not alone.  Their feelings are valid.  A stressful situation will pass. Everything will be okay.

Paying it forward is not about giving money. Throwing money at a situation is easy. Paying it forward is more challenging when you give of yourself. It's more rewarding too.

While you are ringing in the new year take a moment and give thanks for your good fortune. How will you pay it forward?




In a few days, 2024 will be a memory. We will write on the last page of our book of 2024 on December 31st closing that book and those chapters of another year of our lives. 

Are you happy with your book from 2024? Are there things you wish you'd done differently? What was your proudest moment from 2024? What 

made you smile? What are your hopes and dreams for the coming year?
My milestone moments of 2024 were:

I lived with male housemates and their staff for eight months.
I moved to a new city.
I was given new staff.
I was hired by this agency to share my story through my writing and teaching.

Some of these milestones were scary, and some I could have handled better. However, the most important lesson in all of these milestones is that I survived. I'm here. I am strong. I am ready to close my 2024 book.

2025 will begin with me having a third blood test. (The third time is the charm.) A few months into the new year I will have my cataracts removed. I am nervous. People have told me it's a breeze.

I plan to make TikTok videos about my CP. My voice is not that great, but I am going to give it a try.
I am concerned about this country's elderly population. I plan on traveling to Jefferson City to watch Missouri legislators in action. I plan to discuss the plight of nursing home residents who face substandard care due to understaffing. Insurance companies that deny a person's medication deeming the medication too costly causing an individual a medical emergency.  I need to use my voice!

I became a Chiefs football fan in 2023, but my fandom took off in 2024.  Did you feel the Earth shift? Never in a million years did I envision that happening. I follow the Eagles too,

I still hope to meet the greatest telenovela actor of all time. I know I should give up hope.  A person should have one crazy dream, don't you agree?

I wish you all health and happiness in 2025.

January 1, 2025. A new book with 365 blank pages.  

Keep pushing through.

Friday, December 20, 2024


It's part of my annual physical. A blood test. I am not afraid of needles. As a child, I never cried when I'd get a shot. I always got a toy or a ring from the box of trinkets my doctor had in his office for being so brave.

Blood draws, however, are another matter entirely. I have small veins, my arms don't extend very far, and I don't drink enough water. If I drink a lot of water I  go to the bathroom. Running me back and forth to the toilet tires my caregivers. 

When I was younger my doctor only ordered a blood test every two years. I am older now so that bi-annual blood test won't cut it anymore. My doctor wants my labs updated every year.

It was time for my 2024 physical. I fasted and drank water  I was ready for that blood to draw. "I've got this," I told myself.

The first part of my physical went great. It was time for my blood test. I went to the waiting room. A few minutes passed before the tech called my name. The tech examined my tiny veins. (My veins are so small a butterfly needle is used. The same type of needle is used to draw blood from  infants.)  The first stick was in my hand. Nothing. The next stick was in the crook of my arm.  Nothing again. Until the tech removed the needle from my arm. I was bleeding but it was too late. First two tries. I hope you are keeping track.

I went to a lab to have my blood drawn. I'd had success with this lab in the past. I was confident the techs there would get the job done. I was wrong. Three of the lab's best techs each tried two times to draw my blood. Each one of them failed. I was dehydrated the three of them said. I learned that I have to drink a lot of water several days before my blood is drawn. A tech will come to the house next month for my blood draw. I will drink a ton of water beforehand.

It freaks me out when several techs examine my veins and decide who is the best to do the task. Eight attempts in a week. I thanked them for trying.

When you have a disability there are times when tests that should be a breeze are not. We take nothing for granted.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


I  am a traditionalist. Christmas trees are green. Not pink, not white, and not black. 

Jaywood needed a new tree last year. I was living there by myself. I begged for a Grinch tree. (I begged for  a Grinchette tree, I was not going to quibble.) Lachandria told me that the tree I'd chosen on Amazon was too expensive. Off we went to Walmart. I was not a happy camper.

When we got to the aisle overflowing with Christmas decorations guess what color tree Lachandria chose? Deep breath. Ready?  A WHITE TREE!!! 

"Really?" I asked her.
"Aw come on, Joanne" was her reply.
"I am not participating," I told her firmly.
"What color tree do you have at home?" I asked.
"Green," LaChandria said.
"I rest my case," I told her.

The theme was ice cream.  Glittery ice cream bars and ice cream cones. Tiny white lights. Purple and silver balls to match the ice cream sparkled and, lastly silver garland.  In the darkened living room my tree was beautiful. 

I told Lachandria how magical the tree was every day. 
Thank you, Lachandria. For my magical tree. For the memories.


Saturday, November 23, 2024



I know how important it is to show appreciation to my staff. Think of all the intimate, gross tasks they must do for me. I could not do it for a stranger. I always make sure to say thank you to them. I always begin a sentence with, the word, please. (I could be better.)  I get frustrated. I know my staff does too. I  keep reporting any issues to a minimum. (I try.) 


I am grateful to have a place to live. I could be in respite care or even out on the street. I'd be lying if I said it has not been a difficult transition. There were plans for me to join advocacy groups to meet new people. I declined.  I write for the newsletter and. I teach part of the new hires class so I have money. The government cut my monthly stipend in half because I live alone. I have to work or I will have no money for the things that bring me joy. I am grateful for my job. If I work one day I am tired the next day. It is not much but I do the best I can.

I have lived in this house for almost two months.  The staff that I was used to have other clients. St. Charles is far. One staff member has been with me the entire time. I am grateful for them. They have been the one constant in my sea of change.


I don't want much. A couple of streaming platforms and I am happy. I watch reruns of Bob Hearts Abishola. That show makes me happy. It's funny, and romantic and is a good example of how people from different countries and cultures can live, love, and grow together. How great a world if this was our reality, not a sitcom. Is something wrong with me because I am watching all five seasons for the fourth time? Don't answer that! 

I would love it if some of my former staff would come to take care of me for a day. I miss them. I miss my family too. Group home life has always been difficult for me. I start thinking of the nursing home and my family more during the holidays. I am on Medicaid which means a long waitlist. 

Thank you to my staff who are preparing a Thanksgiving feast for me.

I will end this post with what I tell my staff each night as the end of their shift nears.

"Thank you for everything. Get home safely. See you tomorrow."


Saturday, October 26, 2024


 I slept a lot last week.
No energy. 
I coined a new term.
Client burnout.

 New staff.
.Pulling and pushing.
Wait your turn.
I know you have a lot to learn.
Client burnout.

My new SC returned for me.
She worked with the Ladies of Jaywood.
She came back to oversee my staff.
I am grateful for her care.
I am grateful that she cares.
Client Burnout.

Lachandria. Tiffany, Dawn, Miss Val.
You are the best at what you do.
Where are you?
 I know it's far.
It's far for me too.
But I miss you.
Your care, conversation, and smiles.
It's been a while.
Client burnout.

Overstressed, burnt out.
What's the cure?
I go for walks.
I explore.
I can't do much more.
Watch Everybody Loves Raymond.
To feel close to my mom.
Client burnout.

i used to enjoy going on van rides.
Looking at houses.
Making up stories.
But the State of Missouri declared.
Watch your mileage 
No more aimless van rides.
Clients must have a destination.
Client burnout.

People have been going on car rides since the automobile was invented.
I can't.
That's the rule.
The State of Missouri sucks.
Client burnout.

Don't forget me
I am still here.
Even though I am not near.
Client burnout. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



You have moved into a new house, in a new county.
You feel like everything familiar has been taken away from you. 
You needed a place to live. 
 You are grateful this agency provides you with one,
There was nothing you could do. 
You are surviving. 
You are pushing through.
I'm proud of you.

Your new house is small. Your chair bumps the walls. Chips of white paint fall like droplets of snow.
All of your things fit in your new room. Two exceptions. Your bookcase and fridge have found new homes in your house.  You know they are not far. It's crowded. You feel safe 
with things surrounding you.
I'm proud of you.

New staff to train.
Such a pain.
But you do it again and again.
Near misses. I am here. Never fear.
Start over.
You're tired
You must.
So, you do.
I'm proud of you.

You write. You teach a class.
It kicks your ass.
You need the money.
It's not funny.
I'm proud of you.

Joining groups is not for you.
There is only one thing you want to do.
Meet with state legislators.
Travel to Jefferson City. 
To see Missouri legislators in action.
On your own. You don't need a rally
I'm proud of you.

You know your interests are not the norm.
People tease and make fun. 
Don't turn and run. They are the losers.
Keep finding things and people that bring you joy.
Keep being you.
Whatever gets you through.
I'm proud of you.

It's hard to be grateful sometimes.
I know that you are doing your best to show your gratitude.
I see your successes.
I see your struggles.
I'm proud of you.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Tomorrow's the day.
I am moving away.
New house.
New chapter.
I think I can.

New challenges.
New staff.
How 'bout that?
I think I can.

I am afraid.
I have a supportive team.
Who says I'll do great.
I can't wait!
I think I can.

6 plus years in this house.
That's a lot.
Jackie, Kathy, and Joanne.
The Ladies at Jaywood.
I think I can.

Dawn and Lachandria.
Our support coordinators.
The best of the best.
Nothing lasts forever,
Except for my memories.
I think I can.

On to Greenwich
In St. Chuck.
Wish me luck.
I think I can.

Things don't always work out the way I want.
I will put on my big girl panties.
Suck it up.
I think I can.

Think positive.
Say a prayer.
I think I can.

My move has been pushed back another week. September 24. They are still working in the house.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Did you know that the state of Missouri is being investigated by the Department of Justice for delaying people's applications to go onto Medicaid?  Missouri has been deemed the worst state in the country for this 

Medicaid serves low-income individuals and families living at the poverty level. Delaying someone's application for 45 days denies access to doctors, medications, surgeries, and more. 

Why delay applications?  Does Missouri treat people awaiting Medicaid this way because it can? This is one example of how Missouri has failed people in need.  No one wants to be on Medicaid. It's a necessity. Not a choice. 

Did you know there is no set ratio of staff to residents in nursing homes in Missouri? This means one CNA  could be responsible for an entire hall of residents. Let's say the hall they are working on comprises 40 residents. That's a lot of resident ts for one CNA. They cannot possibly provide the best care to each resident. The staff can't get to each resident promptly. (Imagine being left on a bedpan so long that you fall asleep waiting for someone to come.( That happened to me.)

Not having a set staff ratio to residents is unfair to both sides. The residents suffer because they are not given the quality of care they deserve. The nursing staff is overworked. This leads to burnout and to a nursing home being staffed by agency staff who know nothing about the residents they have been assigned to care for. Mistakes (while unintentional) in a resident's care or medications could be made. Residents of nursing homes need caring staff as well as consistency in staffing. Residents need staff they can trust to provide them the best care.

Did you know this? The cruelest and most egregious thing Missouri has done.

Imagine being dumped in a nursing home because you have a mental illness. You are denied the ability to choose, to go out, or to see your friends.  Missouri and your guardian made the choice for you. You are scared and alone. you've lost hope. You have not been aware of supportive housing, and other programs that would allow you to be a part of a community instead of a drain on society.

You are locked away and forgotten. You can't decide what you want to eat or what clothes you wear. Imagine. I can't even.

What about working with the person's court-appointed guardian and Missouri so that an individual feels a part of the process. There are decision-making support programs. Make this and all other support programs available to them.

Missouri what is wrong with you?  I am embarrassed and ashamed to live in this state. This is how my state legislators treat Missouri's most vulnerable citizens? Just because we/they are on Medicaid.

More accessible housing
Set staffing ratios in nursing homes
Offer support services to those who have a mental illness. Institutionalizing them serves no positive purpose, It is dehumanizing and degrading.

There are people in the St. Louis area who are advocating for accessible exam tables in doctor's offices as well as accessible testing equipment such as in radiology. I can personally attest to the fact that accessible medical tests are needed.

I'm still fired up. I am all in I heard a new term on social media. An impacter is a positive source of change. I was meant to do this. I want to open legislator's minds in my little corner of the world.

To the State of Missouri, I ask the same question. Would you want your loved one to be treated this way?

Do better.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 I tend to only see the negative. Is my glass half empty or half full?  It's cracked. The liquid is flowing freely going nowhere. Like I am right now at this moment. I'm stuck. I am not moving forward. I have no one to blame but myself.

Ever since I saw the house for the first time I have been scared of all the things that could happen because the hallway and doorways aren't the way I'd like them to be.

Another big thing for me was that my furniture would have to be split between. both bedrooms.

What I should have been thinking was wow this agency went to all of this trouble for me. The director must think a lot of me.

I went to the house with the staff last night.  They were envisioning where all of my furniture would go. I started to see the house in a new light. It could actually work. it is a cool house with cool appliances and yeah, a cool bathroom.

I should have moved today. I hope this agency will allow me to still move to my house. I don't want to stay here. I want to move to the house that was meant for me. 

I got stuck turning to go down the hallway. My staff was there to guide me. My two favorite rooms are the kitchen and the deck, I see many gatherings with friends in my future, with, of course, Margaritas

Fear is my biggest hurdle to overcome. Fear of the unknown is a humongous hurdle for me. I have to trust. Trust the director and trust the administration. 

I screwed up by not moving today. Just tell me when my next opportunity to move is. I can't wait to move into my house.


Saturday, August 17, 2024


I have the utmost respect for the director of this agency. They gave me a job and have allowed me to remain with this agency as I continue to work on myself.

 A post written in anger serves no purpose/ I attacked the director's reputation. The reputation of this agency. When I go to the office I see firsthand how hard the director works for everyone. 

My previous post was revised to advocate for all of us who live in an ISL I owed that to this agency. I owed the to the director.

I was almost given 30 days again. The difference this time is that I made a phone call. The director and I talked like people.  Two hurt people. I heard the hurt in their voice. The director could hear the hurt and fear in mine. I felt like the unfeeling person I was for writing my previous post. The director is not responsible for the rules of the State of Missouri. The director can only do so much.

The director and I are meeting at the house next week to brainstorm how to make it more accessible. I don't have to move right away. The director told me not to worry or stress. I am not going to. I know everything will work out.

I'm glad I wrote my previous post. It led to a phone call that allowed me to see things in a different light. People do care. Even when I don't see it. They are just doing the best they can.


The State of Missouri.
Are you Listening?
I need space.

Missouri has to do a better job
As far as government housing goes.
Don't penalize me because I am on Medicaid.
I  need space.

Wider doorways.
Wider hallways
Big bathrooms too.
To accommodate lifts, powerchairs, and caregivers
I need space.

Obviously, the State has no idea.
The needs of a powerchair or manual chair user.
I need space.

What if there's a fire?
I need to get out fast.
A narrow hallway,  I can't get past.
I need space.

The State's solution?
Move into the house.
The State needs to see that there is a need. 
Before they agree to make the necessary changes.
Then move out while renovations are being done.
Then move back in.
I need space.

Move three times?
Missouri's out of their minds?
Do they realize how hard that would be?
I don't think they do.
I need space.

I have one question before I am done.
It's for my state representatives.,
Would you want your loved one to move three times?
I need space.

This post is titled  I Need Space.
A more accurate title would have been, "We Need Space."
Because all of us who use mobility aids do.

I urge you to call your representatives of the State of  Missouri,
Tell them...
We Need space.

Contact your state legislators: LWV Of Missouri |


Sunday, August 11, 2024


 Last week was a whirlwind of planning, activities, and emotions. I finally had to say enough! My transition meeting is on the 12th. This agency wanted me to move on the 13th. I co-taught a 3-hour training class on the 8th. On the 9th, I was scheduled to see the new house. By the night of the 8th, I felt sick and exhausted.

On the morning of the 9th, I was still exhausted. It hurt to raise my arm to feed myself. I did not go to see the new house.  

Transition meetings can be long.  It's a lot. A meeting where I meet new people talking about my future. A meeting like this wears me out. I am now moving on the 21st. I can take it slow and chill out by taking walks around the cul-de-sac 

I was told if a house was found in this area I could move back to this area.  I appreciate the offer. When I move again it will be to an LTC community. I lived in the same house for 57 years. When all is said and done I want to live in a facility where I can just "be."

I am an introvert. I don't talk much. I don't like to be pushed. I am most comfortable writing and watching movies. I love the few close friends that I have. I don't like parties. They tend to be loud and crowded. Meeting new people makes me anxious.

I am grateful to still be a client of this agency. For the past year and a half, I have done everything to prove to the administrator that residing my 30-day notice was the right decision. I hope I succeeded in doing so.

Two high points for me in the past week:

I learned that the residents of an exclusive nursing home in this area read my fired-up blog post and wanted to meet me. They were disappointed I was not a resident. I guess I got them "fired up" too.  

My post was deleted by Facebook. I am an introvert who is a rebel. I couldn't be prouder.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


"For the second time in two years, Gov. Mike Parson has vetoed multimillion-dollar funding increases that would support a program advocates say safeguards nursing home residents. Missouri’s long-term care ombudsman program organizes workers and volunteers to advocate for and educate residents at hundreds of nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities. Administrators said the program has fewer than half the recommended staff members."
Thank you St. Louis Public Radio for covering this topic! We will continue to fight for the best Ombudsman Program possible in Missouri, and we will continue to fight for the rights of long-term care residents!
Read the full story here: of Voyce)

I should have followed through with becoming an ombudsman. The class times and using public transportation were the big reasons why I didn't. As you know I wrote essays for Voyce about what life was like in long-term care. My essays were used in their training sessions. I gave an interview which was shown in the training sessions. I could have done more. I didn't. After reading that Governor Parson shot down an increase in funding to the understaffed LTC facilities I am fired up. You should be too.

This agency told me I have to move. I do not want to live in a male house. Moving is not the issue. The issue for me is only being given one option regarding where to move. (You have these two choices. Of the two choices where would you like to move to? I would have chosen the best house for me. Not being given a choice is what upsets me.)

If there was a good nursing home in this area that's where I would be moving to. Not because I want to live in LTC. Because it would be my choice. I said from the time I moved into this house when I moved from here it would be into a nursing home. Conditions in nursing homes are too uncertain. I won't risk it. Not now anyway. So, on August 13th, I have to move/ Everyone is telling me it's not a big deal. I'm not doing any of the work. It is a big deal. It's my life.

I'm grateful to the administrator for believing in my writing. The past six years have been a struggle but I have always had my writing.

I am ashamed of the bashing/trashing I did in blog posts on long-term care. If I could go back in time I would not have written those negative posts. I may have moved into a different nursing home. Knowing what I know now I would not have moved here.

I visited someone in a nursing home about a month ago. The conditions were. deplorable. The facility smelled of urine, it was dark, and CNAs were still getting people up at almost noon. The person I was visiting did not wear their glasses. I did not see their wheelchair anywhere. I wondered if the staff was getting them up at any point during the day.

Some nursing homes are dirty, and residents are given one meal option. The activity budget only allows for one activity. That activity is Bingo.

I am embarrassed that Missouri is a red state. Governor Parson should be ashamed. Vetoiing an increase in nursing home funding is inexcusable. In 2019. when I moved from LTC conditions were starting to get bad. The facility was staffed with agency help. Help who did not know much about the residents they were caring for. They were there to do their job nothing more.

People on Medicaid are not given private rooms because they cannot afford to pay for one. This is the biggest issue I would like to see changed. Everyone deserves to live comfortably. Everyone deserves to have the best staff caring for them. Everyone deserves to have choices. Choices in food, choices in activities.

Residents in nursing homes have lived their lives. Many worked, raised families, served their country, and more. Older adults should not be penalized because they cannot pay for a private room. Residents deserve the best caregivers. People in LTC deserve choices.

There are some lovely nursing homes in the St. Louis area. Those facilities do not accept Medicaid. That discriminatory policy has to be changed.

Nursing homes were like a family community. Residents looked out for one another and advocated for one another. If we work together they will be again.

Contact your state legislators: LWV Of Missouri |

Get involved with Voyce:

Vote Blue in November.

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Rob Durham was a castmate of mine in the 2015 production of Listen to Your Mother. The show is a spoken-word stage show celebrating mothers usually performed over the Mother's Day weekend.  All I knew about Rob was that he was a high school teacher,  He is also a comedian who headlines at the Funnybone regularly.  I attended one of his shows recently.  The house was packed.  Rob did not disappoint. But wait there's more. I  had so many questions. Such as what the heck is pickleball?  Thank you Rob for taking the time to do this i nterview.

Who/what inspired you to become a comedian?

I watched a lot of comedy on TV growing up. Louie Anderson was one of my favorites, but I also like MTV’s Half-hour Comedy Hour. My family is a funny family. My father has a very dry sense of humor and my mother was goofy. When she passed away, suddenly I felt the need to be heard by others and I eventually cracked out of my shyness as adulthood began. When I got a college job as a doorman at the Columbus Funnybone, I first realized stand-up was a realistic opportunity.

What was your first open mic experience like?

My first open mic night went great because I stacked the crowd with friends who laughed for me. I won a $30 prize in a clap-off. The second week was the opposite, but by then I was hooked

Do you remember the first joke you told that got a laugh? 

There are a couple and I’m pretty ashamed of them as they were either not very PC or they were kinda dirty. It’s embarrassing to think back to what I used to pride myself as an act! Thank goodness I never put a comedy album out back then.

How long does it usually take for you to write a monologue? 

My hour set is compiled of jokes I’ve written over the last decade-plus, but this year I’ve added at least a new 15 minutes. When I get a premise, I try to word it into a joke. Then I test it at open mic night, tweak it, memorize the best way to word it, and then eventually it makes it into my set (or gets scrapped). Some jokes take a lot of work, and some are born almost perfect as they are.

You teach creative writing at a local high school

How long have you been teaching? 
I subbed all through my 20s, but I officially have 13 years of full-time high school teaching under my belt. Along with creative writing, I teach multiple sections of tenth-grade language arts which also involves a lot of writing.

What do you enjoy most about teaching? 

The creative freedom I’m given to teach my lessons allows me to “perform” in a sense every day. Often times I think I have more fun than the students, especially when we’re reading a play and I get to be a character. I really love watching a high school student evolve from a child into a respectable young adult.

How did your school's golf team do this season? 

We placed 2nd in the State Tournament! We were undefeated in our 9-hole matches, we won the conference, and several other tournaments, and had a great 2 days at State. I couldn’t be prouder.

How does your being a comedian help in teaching your classes?

Many of my lessons have jokes built into them. I make a lot of silly puns to keep them groaning. Teaching is definitely performing (in my room anyway), so it’s my job to keep every student engaged in the lesson. I know if I’m bored teaching the lesson, they’re bored learning it. This motivates me to keep things fun. The kids also know I’m pretty good with hecklers, so they’re smart enough not to mouth off very much.

Do your students ever write jokes for you or give you suggestions? 

They inspire some of my material with some of their actions. As far as material, there’s been a time or two where I say something and they say, “Put that in your act!” In my creative writing class, our final assignment is stand-up comedy, so I have them each write two original jokes and then we hold an open mic in my classroom. It’s really fun to see take on the challenge of stand-up and I think it gives them more respect for what I do on stage.

You have authored four books. One on doing stand-up, a novel for young adults, another novel for adults, and a guide to taking an all-inclusive vacation. Which book was the most fun/challenging to write? 

Writing Around the Block, my YA novel, was the most fun because it started very autobiographical. I also learned how to structure and edit a novel in that process, so it really opened my eyes. I feel like it gave me some closure on some animosity I still held from high school because since that book came out I rarely think about or get emotional about my high school experience anymore. Somebody Else’s Sky was the most challenging because of the number of drafts it took to get it right. Finally, I switched from first to third person and ironed out all of the logistics in the plot and it turned out exactly how I wanted it to.

Is pickleball similar to bocce ball? 

Pickleball is more similar to tennis, badminton, or even ping pong. It keeps me busy on the weekends and during the summer. Once I learned to stop taking it too seriously I started improving dramatically. Much like writing, if you have a mentor, you improve much faster and I’ve been fortunate enough to have several pals elevate my game.

Besides the start of the school year, What’s next for you?

I’m hoping to publish a collection of 25 to 30 short stories along with a few of my essays. My novel ideas are there, but taking on a novel takes a huge commitment, so I noticed I have quite a few short stories from years past. I’m almost done tuning them up, so I hope to keep the momentum going once the school year begins. Don’t tell my principal but I’m a much more productive writer at school than at home. I love sharing my short stories with my students too. The stories mostly focus on the interesting times right before or right after a relationship, and some of them are loosely autobiographical. 

Monday, July 15, 2024


I never liked to leave home.
Not even to go on vacation.
I thought I'd die in my house.
Ten years ago I had no choice.
How's it gonna feel?

When I was told I'd be sharing my room in the nursing home.
I asked for Lexapro.
To help me cope.
( I still, take it.)
How's it gonna feel?

When the staff starts packing up my stuff.
The last night?
The day of?
How's it gonna feel?

The agency wants to make this house an all-male house.
I can't afford to live here by myself
I'm reminded all the time of the things I can't afford.
How's it gonna feel?

I don't want to live in this house anymore.
The changes have been too much.
It's the cul-de-sac/
The neighbors.
Creve Coeur.
That's what I'll miss.
How's it gonna feel?

St. Louis.
Town and Country.
Creve Coeur.
And now, the farthest move yet.
How's it gonna feel?

New county.
New area code.
New address.
A different SC.
New case manager.
New, new, new.
How's it gonna feel?

It's not that I'm not grateful.
I don't mean to be hateful.
"Do you know how many times clients have been moved? 
Get over it. You're moving."
How's it gonna feel?

The administration has done so much.
Grateful and guilty
That's how I feel.

I'm just me.
Expand my horizons?
I am not a people person.
In my opinion, most people suck.
If I let you in you are special.
How's it gonna feel?

Send good thoughts, vibes, and prayers.
Because I don't know.
How it's gonna feel.


Sunday, July 7, 2024


All illustrations by Alef Vernon Illustration


Me a Swiftie?
I'm too old.
I just like the Kelce Bros.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

I watched The Eras Tour on Disney Plus.
I wanted to know why all the fuss.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

I was blown away.
It was visually stunning.
Taylor spends an evening with 90,000 of her besties.
Chatting as though she was alone with each fan.
She is a philanthropist.
She leaves the cities she plays in better. Happier
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

My favorite era?
It's mystical.
Millions of stars.
As Taylor plays a gold piano.
Covered in greenery.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

Musician, singer, storyteller.
Her lyrics are compared to great poets of yore.
She gave the commencement speech at NYU.
Taylor Swift and Her World.
That's a class at Harvard too.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

You know what really sealed it for me?
The night at Wembley with Travis Kelce
.I Can Do It With a Broken Heart was the song.
Travis asked if it would be alright.
If he was one of her dancers for the night.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

Taylor fainted.
Travis caught her.
He carried her in his arms.
("Don't drop the baby. Do not drop the baby." That's what Trav was thinkin')
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

He laid her on a red couch.
When she awoke.
He dusted her cheeks (his too) with a makeup brush stroke.
OMG! I'm a swiftie.

He looked dapper in his top hat and tails
Dancing, smiling, and having fun.
He's her #1
Taylor blew him a kiss when his time on stage was done.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

Their public romance has a private vibe
Like they are the only two people alive.
They are oblivious to the world's prying eyes.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

Just a boy who loves a girl.
He makes heart hands at Chiefs games.
She does the archer pose at concerts.
Signals to each other.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

Travis and Taylor made this old lady believe.
In fairytales.
In magic.
Just think...
It all started with a friendship bracelet.
OMG! I'm a Swiftie.

This post is dedicated to Lori and Melissa.