Tuesday, November 10, 2020


The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them>

Love and compassion are replacing hate and selfishness.
A bully never wins.
The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them?

No more mocking.
No more ridicule.
Diversity celebrated. 
The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them?

No more fake news.
Only facts.
The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them?

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. 
The first woman of color to hold the office.
She won't be the last.
Girl power to the max.
The winds of change are.blowing.
Can you Feel them

No more walls.
No more cages.
Everyone will be welcome.
Everyone deserves a chance.
The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them?

.Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will heal the soul of America.
They will make us proud.
They will run the government for all the people.
Not for their own interests.
The winds of change are blowing.
Can you feel them?

Fear and despair are gone.
Hope and excitement abound.
The winds of change are blowing.

Get ready...

January 20th, 2021 

 “No, the purpose of our politics, the work of our nation, isn’t to fan the flames of conflict, but to solve problems, to guarantee justice, to give everybody a fair shot.” - President-elect Joe Biden

"To the American people—no matter who you voted for—I will strive to be a Vice President like Joe Biden was to President Barack Obama: loyal, honest, and prepared, waking up every day thinking of you and your families." - Vice President-elect Kamala Harris


  1. Absolutely beautiful!!! I couldn't have written these feelings better if I tried. You are such an excellent writer, and you echo what we're all feeling. THANK YOU JOANNE. LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH!
