Monday, December 7, 2020


Today is International Day of Persons With Disabilities. 'I guess I'm old. I do not a day to celebrate myself. The happiest day of my life will be when we won't have to raise awareness or teach anyone. if society does not know we are people of value and worth by now, they never will. My Facebook post on December 3, 2020.

It's almost 2021. I am tired of educating,, explaining, and being viewed by some as an inspiration. That really makes me uncomfortable. I have done nothing inspirational in my life. (The health care workers who are putting themselves at risk during this pandemic are an inspiration.) I have just lived my life

I was not aware of this day. My first thought when I saw a post about it was when are all of these disability awareness days going to end?

Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am unique, This means that my viewpoint on an issue about disability is the opposite of everyone else.

Here are my two cents on an international Day of Persons With Disabilities/Disability Awareness Days.

We say we are equal to our able-bodied peers. If that's true then why are we always calling attention to our disabilities?

Awareness days will not make a difference in whether we are accepted or not. In my opinion, all of these disability awareness days may have the opposite effect. They may turn people off. I have CP. My second thought when I saw that Facebook post was, Oh God, not another one.

I do not think we will ever be truly equal to or accepted by our able-bodied peers. That's just how it is. We need care and assistance most people don't. We need accommodations that most people don't.

If we want people to see us for who we are. We need to focus on our accomplishments. Everything we do does not have to be linked to our disabilities.

If a person with a disability has the determination to achieve a goal then go for it. All the disability awareness days in the world won't make a bit of difference. How they present themselves to society, along with their skills and abilities, That's what will matter.

I am not a radical (fight the system) kind of person. You won't see me marching for disability rights. That does not mean I don't support those who choose to do so.

I believe people with disabilities should be treated fairly and equally in all aspects of life. I am just not sure that celebrating disability awareness days is is helping us in achieving our goal.


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