Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Someone told me that there are people who think I am evil. Some call me  "The Evil Lady." 

I acquired that name because I speak up. I advocate for myself. People don't like that. They don't like people who rock the boat. They want to do their job and go home.

I watched a Ted Talk given by Lizzie Valasquez titled What Defines You?

Lizzie was born with an undiagnosed syndrome. This syndrome affected her outward appearance and her vision, and as a result of the syndrome, she is unable to gain weight.

Lizzie was bullied. In high school, Someone posted a video of her on Youtube calling her "The ugliest woman in the world."

Lizzie took all the negativity that she had endured and turned it into something positive. She became an advocate for children who face bullying daily. She is fighting to get a law passed banning bullying in schools. She is grateful to the person who posted that video. That video led her to her career path, her calling.

While watching Lizzie's Teed Talk I started to think about what defines one. Was I going to allow the negative judgments made by people who do not really know me as well as the names people have called me to define me as a person?

Does my CP define me as a person?   No. my disability just is. It is not who I am.

Does my advocacy define me as a person? A little I guess. My goal has always been to make a difference. My efforts may have backfired, but my intentions were always to bring about a positive change.
Does this blog define me as a person? YES!!! This blog is who I am. This blog is what I want to be remembered for.

I am not hurt by all the names I have been called anymore. I want to thank the people who've called me evil. You did me a favor. Because of you, I realized something that I had not thought of before.

Evil spelled backward turns into the word live. I am going to. live the best life  I can. I do not have to conform to make others happy.  Calling me negative names, and telling me negative things about myself serves no positive purpose. It only serves to heighten my depression. Negativity does not miraculously turn into positivity. 

I am so happy that I watched Lizzie's talk. I am going to picture the negative words people have said to me as a "ladder to my dreams."Thank you, Lizzie

I only get this one life. It's mine. No one else's. I want to be allowed to be myself. Warts and all.  I want to be happy I am flipping the negative word evil into the positive word Live. I can't think of a more positive word to end this post with.

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